Getting started with Skimia/Assets

Welcome! This guide will help you get started with using Skimia/Assets in your project.


Install Skimia\Assets with Composer:

composer require skimia/assets

Open config/app.php and register the required service provider above your application providers.

'providers' => [

Automatic assets collection génération

if you wanth to regenerate automatically the collections if you install a package by composer/npm or bower you can add the artisan command asset:dump-collections to after install / update for all deps manager.

for Composer

    "scripts": {
            "php artisan asset:dump-collections --silent"
        "post-update-cmd": [
            "php artisan asset:dump-collections"

checks the --silent option for dont prompt for auto add the newly added collections to default groups (multitenant feature of stolz), for more information go to commands doc chapiter


Skimia/Assets uses Stolz/Api, but just for manager class, you must not configure the stolz package if you don't want conflict beetween two packages.

Stolz\Assets is preinstalled & preconfigured by the skimia package

skimia/assets & stolz/assets uses the same configuration file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Skimia\Assets\AssetsServiceProvider"
continue to Configuration chapiter